In which of the following ways can fish be processed and ...
In which of the following ways can fish be processed and preserved?
Salting and smoking
Salting and fermentation
Smoking and fermentation
Smoking and pasteurization
Pasteurization and salting
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The use of animal traction is limited in the forest zones of West Africa because of the ...
The most important reason for encouraging afforestation in the arid regions of West Africa is to ...
The desktop computer used for data management in agri-business is ...
The basic importance of agriculture to a forester is to ...
What is the primary purpose of a pasture in agriculture? ...
Which of the following feedstuffs does not contain phosphorous? ...
To which of the following crops does the term 'ginning' apply? ...
What will be the following effect of establishing a grass with centrosema spp. in a pasture? The ...
Natural immunity to diseases in calves is acquired through maccess to ...
Which of the following pairs of raw materials is used in the canning industry ...