A quantity of air was passed through a weighed amount of ...
A quantity of air was passed through a weighed amount of alkaline pyrogallol. An increase in the weight of the pyrogallol would result from the absorption of?
Correct answer is D
Alkaline pyrogallol absorbs 92
C(s) + 2S(g) → CS2(g) ΔH = +89 kJ mol-1 The chemical equation above implies that...
NH3 + H3O+ → NH4+ + H2O. It may be deduced from the reaction above that? ...
What is the atomic number of Yttrium? ...
Hydrogen sulphide gas can act as? ...
The boiling of fat and aqueous caustic soda is referred to as ...
When bromine is added to ethene at room temperature, the compound formed is ...
Which of the following dilute acids does not react with metals to liberate hydrogen? ...
Which of these pairs are synthetic and natural macromolecules respectively? ...