Baptists, Methodists and the ... were among the first to ...
Baptists, Methodists and the ... were among the first to engage in the Liberiian Christian Mission
Presbyterian Church
United Church of Christ
Catholic Christian Mission
Episcopal Church
Correct answer is D
Episcopal Church is the correct answer. The Baptists, Methodists and Episcopalians were among the first to engage in Liberian Mission as a result of the missionary fervour that gripped Western Europe and America in the 19th Century.
The indirect rule system succeeded in Huasa/Fulani society because the ...
The last European power to join the race for colonies in Africa was ...
The connections between Kano and the province of Nupe was notable in the reign of Kano's ...
In what century did the Trans-Saharan trade start? ...
The main goal of the British expedition against the Aro was to ...
Which of these is not an achievement under the colonial rule? ...
The support of the Felahin helps Mohammed Ali ___________ ...
The Lagos colony and the Southern Protectorate was almagamated in _____. ...