Historically, the Yorubas came into prominence as a resul...
Historically, the Yorubas came into prominence as a result of
Their artworks and sculptures made to honour the gods
The impact of their language and cultural aspects
The settlement of the British colony in 1901
Their trading in guns with the Portugese
Correct answer is D
The Yorubas who originated from Ile-Ife, arose and became quite popular and remarkable by their trading with the Portugese, which gave them a large supply of guns.
The first capital of Kanem-Bornu was located at ________ ...
In 1963, the Eastern region of Nigeria went to the supreme court over the ...
The Omani Empire vyed with ..... and ...... for trade ...
The leader of the South African Black consciousness Movement who died in detention in 1977 was ...
Armed resistance to British rule in Northern Nigeria ended with the conquest of ...
The emergence of states in Hausaland was mainly attributed to ...
The Nigerian Second Republic adopted a/an ... system of governance ...
Who founded itsekiri kingdom? ...
The Ekumeku movement started from Anioma which is part of present day ________. ...