Imperialist powers in Africa inbuilt antagonism by taking...
Imperialist powers in Africa inbuilt antagonism by taking advantage of the cultural diversity of the people through the...
Policy of Assimilation
Divide-and-Rule Policy
Indignant Policy
Policy of Association
Correct answer is B
The Divide and Rule Policy is the correct answer. The imperialist powers made conscious efforts to create and/or turn to its own advantage of the ethnic, cultural, tribal or religious differences within the population of their subjugated colonies. The effects of this still lingers in Nigeria and even among African countries today.
The Africans transported across the Atlantic as slaves were mostly ...
The Savannah region in Nigeria was characterized by _________ ...
The emergence of states in Hausaland was mainly attributed to ...
Nigeria's vice president in the second republic was ...
The First and Second World Wars were between ... respectively ...
The decrease of Boer influence in South Africa was as a result of ...
The rise of Shaka the Zulu was a result of the ...
The failure of the old Oyo empire was attributed to______ ...
The last ruler of the Ogiso dynasty in the Benin Empire was ...
Which of the following served as a commander of the ECOMOG? ...