The principal anti-apartheid party in South Africa was th...
The principal anti-apartheid party in South Africa was the
African National Congress
Afrikaner National Party
National Party
Unionist Congress
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
An Ethiopian monarch that committed suicide in a battle field was ...
In 1840, Sayyid Said transferred his capital from Muscat to ...
Britain suppressed the trans-Atlantic slave trade because ...
Emperor Menelik II defeated Italian troops in the battle of ...
The greatest achievement of Mutesa II in Buganda was his ...
The European power that acquired the largest number of territories in West Africa was ...
The Yoruba background to the Oba of Benin is emphasized by the ...
King Leopold’s colonial ventures in the Congo were aimed at ...
Major General Aguiyi-Ironsi introduced a unitary system of government because ...
The ancient city of Carthage, once a powerful Phoenician civilization, was located in modern-day ...