Samori Toure adopted the ‘scorched earth’ pol...
Samori Toure adopted the ‘scorched earth’ policy in his
Military recruitment and training
Islamic reform movement
War against the French
War against rebellious neighbours
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The Centenary Anniversary of Nigeria was done to commemorate Nigeria's ...
The first school in Nigeria was __________ ...
In colonial Nigeria, export crop production was dominated by ...
The Nigeria colonial economy majorly depended on the exportation of ______ ...
The women who wielded political influence in Borno were ...
The immediate cause of the Nigerian Civil War was the ...
The colonial government in Nigeria laid more emphasis on the production of export crops because ...
In 1805, Muhammad Ali became the Pasha of Egypt as a result of ...
Indirect rule was first practised in ______ before it was introduced to Nigeria. ...