It was difficult for the Nigerian coastal chiefs to give ...
It was difficult for the Nigerian coastal chiefs to give up the slave trade after its abolition because
It had been part of African culture
Africans were too involved to give up the trade
The British Navy was not effective in enforcing the abolition
The trade was still crucial to the economy of their states
Correct answer is D
The trade was very lucrative as participants made enormous revenue from it and were not ready to abandon it for any other type of trade the value of which they had not yet known.
Who was the leader of the opposition in Nigeria during the Second Republic? ...
The main party against apartheid party in South African was the __________ ...
The Omani Empire declined in the 19th century due to ...
Kastina and Akwa-Ibom were created in September, _____. ...
Historically, the Yorubas came into prominence as a result of ...
United Nation Organization emerge as a result of collapse of ____________ ...
The Clifford constitution is considered as a landmark in Nigeria history, because it ________ ...
Which British explorer is credited with the "discovery" of the Niger River, sparking furth...
Sierra Leone finally got freedom from the British colonial domination in ________ ...