The Nigerian Council established in 1914 was ineffective ...
The Nigerian Council established in 1914 was ineffective because it
Was not designed to be so
Lacked sufficient funds
Had too many vocal members
Was dominated by hand-picked members
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Muhammad es Sadek was a 19th century ruler of ...
The policy of separation of the races in South Africa was first adopted in the Cape by the ...
Indirect rule was first practised in ______ before it was introduced to Nigeria. ...
Who was the greatest ruler in the Kanem Borno empire? ...
One of the main aims of the British conquest of Buganda was to ...
In 1991, Nigeria hosted the "World Festival of Black Arts and Culture." Which city was the...
The Lyttleton Constitution of 1954 introduced which significant political reform in Nigeria? ...
Northern Rhodesia, on becoming a Crown Colony, was administered by the ...
The history of Ethioipia in the 19th Century involve _______ number of fundamental process ...
Sierra Leone finally got freedom from the British colonial domination in ________ ...