The Public Complaints Commission is empowered to investig...
The Public Complaints Commission is empowered to investigate complaints and to
prosecute false complaints
report findings to appropriate authorities
refers complaints to state government
reprimand authorities against whom complaints are made
refer complaints to traditional rulers
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The first Governor-General of Nigeria was ...
One major merit of the Unitary system of government is that_______? ...
Constitutionalism denotes that ...
When a court of law declares an action of the executive ultra-vires , it implies that ...
Which of the following is not a method of election? ...
When a pressure group is made up of people of the same profession, it is called ...
A policy formulated to guide relations with other nations is called ...
Which of the following countries has withdrawn her membership of the ECOWAS ...
The independence of the Judiciary can be enhance in all the following cases except where ...