An example of aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon is
...An example of aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbon is
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
2SO2(g) + O2(g) \( \iff \)2SO3(g) \( \bigtriangleup H = -395.7kJmol^{-1} \) In the reaction ab...
Which of the following pH values is likely to be that of a slightly alkaline solution? ...
Chlorination of water for town supply is carried out to ...
What is the atomic number of Dubnium? ...
Which of the following reactions is correct as as written? ...
The product of the reaction between C 2H5OH and concentrated H2SO 4 at 170oC is...
Which of the following pairs of properties of alkali metals decreases down the group? ...