The part labelled III is the
The part labelled III is the
Genital pore
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Cellulose digestion by micro-organisms takes place in the part labelled _______ ...
If the oestrus cycle of a goat is 27 days, how many times will it come on heat in a year? ...
Which of the following farm animals is most prolific? ...
Which of the following farm animals has the digestive system shown in the diagram? ...
Hay and sillage are both classified as ...
A major advantage of removing the part labeled II is that ...
Determine the number of pigs that could be stocked in a pig sty with dimensions of 14.0 m by 6....
The true stomach in ruminants is the ...
Which of the following characteristics are associated with protein concentrates? I. High in energ...
Advantages of dipping farm animals in acaricides include; I. Protection against diseases ...