Forages harvested before flowering and conserved are char...
Forages harvested before flowering and conserved are characterized by
High fibre
High protein
Low energy
Low vitamins
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Failure of the testes to descend into the scrotal sac in livestock is referred to as__________ ...
Which of the following birds is purposely raised for meat? ...
The secretion stored in the part labelled II is used for_______ ...
Which of the following farm animals has the digestive system shown in the diagram? ...
Selection of animals based on performance of ancestors is called ...
Determine the number of pigs that could be stocked in a pig sty with dimensions of 14.0 m by 6....
Which of the following farm animals is most prolific? ...
Which of the following minerals is required most by laying birds? ...
Staggered gait and rough coat are signs which indicate that the animal is_________ ...