Which of the following means of written communications wo...
Which of the following means of written communications would an accountant use to convey a short directive to an accounts clerk?
Correct answer is D
Memorandum is a written message in business or diplomacy. It is used for communicating policies, procedures, or related official business
One of the disdavantages of using office machine is that it leads to ...
A meeting conducted yearly by companies is ...
The purchasing department in an organization is responsible for ...
The implication of issuing a crossed cheque is that it can only be ...
The Board of Directors of ABC & Co has just decided to reduce the workforce. The letter conveyin...
In alphabetical filing, professional titles are written ...
Port Avenue & Co deals with lots of client. For the company receptionist to relate effectively w...
A letter containing valuable documents would be sent by ...
A group of people appointed by the parent committee to deal with a special matter is ...