According to the 1999 constitution as amended, sovereignt...
According to the 1999 constitution as amended, sovereignty belongs to the
President who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
People from whom government derives its power and authority
National Assembly which has power to make laws and amend the constitution
Judiciary which interprets the laws of the state
Correct answer is B
The compass of this present democratic experience midwifed by the 1999 Constitution is that Sovereignty belongs to the people.
Representative democracy thrives on ...
Which of the following is not necessary for civil servants to perform effectively? ...
A major reason that fosters healthy interpersonal relationship is ...
When power is concentrated in one central government, the constitution is said to be ...
The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria from 1979 to 1999 have been ...
The Nigerian Tribune newspaper was established by ...
Effective and responsible parenthood is primarily ...
In the public service, another name for red-tapism is ...
Chalyn was sixteen year old girl. She was sixth child in a family of nine. Chalyn's father and m...