Ojo was aksed by his superior in the office to check up t...
Ojo was aksed by his superior in the office to check up the continent where Australia is located. He would get his information from
a city directory
a world's who is who
an encyclopedia
an atlas
Correct answer is D
An atlas is a collection of maps that are usually bound together and have a connecting theme, such as natural resources in an area or geography
When a meeting decides that a matter should lie on the table, it means that the matter should ...
Which of the following is a barrier to effective communication? ...
The acronym NIPOST stands for ...
Miscellaneous file should be opened when ...
To break a tie resulting from a poll, the chairman should ...
The information written on a paper would be regarded as the ...
The correspondence conveying the same information to different organization is/are ...
Which of the following activties does the handling of incoming mails involve? ...