One fateful morning, lmaseun was going to school. A few d...
One fateful morning, lmaseun was going to school. A few distances away from the school gate, he saw an accident victim writhing in severe pain by the roadside. The accident victim was hit by a motorcycle rider and left half dead. Although Imaseun was already late for school, he decided to convey the victim to a nearby hospital before reporting the matter to a nearby police station.
The behaviour of lmaseun in the story above can help promote all the following except
Peaceful coexistence
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Membership clan organisation that is characterised by secrecy of operations is associated with ...
I. HIV/AIDS II. Law and order III. Political apathy IV. Human trafficking V. Popular participati...
In a democracy, official opposition is allowed to ...
From the above dialogue, it is evident that cultism disrupt activities in the ...
A major reason that fosters healthy interpersonal relationship is ...
In Nigeria, public servants are expected to be ...
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A major challenge for civil societies in executing their mandate is ...