Ada: Wanja where are you going to i...
Ada: Wanja where are you going to in this ungodly hour of the night.
Wanja; I am heading towards my usual joint to enjoy myself.
Ada: which joint?
Wanja: XYZ night club, where i take marijuana and alcoholic breverages, i really want to be high tonight so that when people see me tomorrow, they will fear and respect me.
Ada: remember people who work under the influence of hard drugs and alcoholic breverages are prone to either psychiatric problems or premature death. Softly young man, imbibe good natured character, you have the world at your feet and a destiny to fulfill. pray you will not be the architect of your own misfortune.
Which of the following may result from wanja's habit?
Humility for elders
Criminality in the society
Advocacy for hard drugs by NGOs
Excellence performance in school
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
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