The NCNC sent delegation to London in 1947 to protest aga...
The NCNC sent delegation to London in 1947 to protest against the
Clifford Constitution
Republican Constitution
Richard Constitution
Lyttleton Constitution
Macpherson Constitution
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A system based on hierarchies of land ownership is ...
The atomic bomb tests carried out around the Sahara Desert made Nigeria severe relations with ...
____was the first Nigerian Permanent Representative to the United Nations. ...
In an election, secret ballot is described as the process where the voter ...
A political party is mainly interested in ...
Which of the following African leaders played a significant role in the formation of NEPAD? ...
The most visible feature of a state is ...
A meeting of the legislature is usually brought to an end with __________ ...
The following were limitations imposed on traditional rulers under colonial rule except? ...