Which of the following countries operates an unwritten co...
Which of the following countries operates an unwritten constitution?
United State of American
Great Britain
Great Britain
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following principles negates the concept of the Rule of Law? ...
In the pre -colonial African political system, the functions of the kingmakers were performed by ...
Which of the following documents granted Nigeria its independence? ...
The Barclay's Bank and the British Petroleum Company in Nigeria were nationalized in the late&nb...
The head of the electoral body that conducted the June 12 1993 elections was ...
Direct democracy implies that the governance of a state involves ...
The principle that advocates strict adherence to the fundamental laws of a country is ...
The fundamental rights of citizens include the following EXCEPT....... ...
The act of denying an eligible person the right to vote in an election is ...
The policy of indigenat was parctised in the colonies controlled by ...