A form of corresponding sent to members asking them to at...
A form of corresponding sent to members asking them to attend a meeting is
the minutes
an invite
a notice
an agenda
Correct answer is C
A notice of meeting of a company is a document informing the members or directors of a company about an upcoming meeting. This document specifies the date, time and place of the meeting and the general nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting
Which of the following equipment is used for electronic filing? ...
A system whereby all files and records of an organization are kept and controlled in one room is ...
A member who raises a motion at a meeting is a ...
The means of internal communication in an organization is ...
Which of the following activities is part of the procedure for handling outgoing mails? ...
Which of the following activities is a function of an office? ...
A meeting conducted yearly by companies is ...
Which of the following headings is a column in a postage book ...
Which of these documents would be used to procure an item from the store? ...
Business document are used for passing information on business transactions among ...