The major innovation of the Republican Constitution of 19...
The major innovation of the Republican Constitution of 1963 was that
the Prime Minister ceased to be Head of State
the Governor-General's office as the representative of the Queen was abolished
the cabinet was no long responsible to the Legislature
it introduced the executive Presidential system
the Prime Minister was nominated by the Executive Council
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The flexibility and rigidity of constitution refer to the __________ ...
The National Assembly in Nigeria is primarily responsible for ...
One of features of a unitary state is that ...
The arm of government responsible for budget approval and oversight is the ...
Class stratification is a peculiar feature of___________ ...
The ultimate aim of political party is ...
An important aspect of an unwritten constitution is that it ...
One of the problems of military administrations in West Africa is that soldiers ...
An economic system that encourages even distribution of wealth in the society is ...
The indirect dimension of changing the government is known as ___ ? ...