The limitation on the right to life can be found
...The limitation on the right to life can be found
among the people
in the case of a convicted person
in the Executive
in the Government
in the Legislature
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A major flaw in a liberal democracy is ...
One- party system is favourably disposed to ...
Independence of the judiciary connotes that ...
After 1945, the demand of African nationalists changed from reform to independence because ..... ...
Nationalist agitation in British West Africa after the World War II led to the ________ ...
In the monarchical system of government, sovereignty is vested in the ...
The teaching and learning of political culture is known as political ...
The idea of making the civil service permanent, neutral and anonymous is to _________ ...
In the all-Nigerian constitutional conference of 1950________ ...
Public opinion can be measured through all of the following except the? ...