One of the advantages of the simple majority system of vo...
One of the advantages of the simple majority system of voting is that it
discourages election malpractices
gives an accurate result of an election
is very suitable to large countries
is simple and cheap to operate
is useful in developing countries
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Public opinion enables the government to ...
Mussolini's fascism and Hitler's nazism are good examples of ...
One can become a citizen of a country through all the following except ...
Nation-state is synonymous with ...
The Premier of Western region immediately after Independence was ______ ...
In which of the following systems of government is decentralization a common feature? ...
The main function of the federal character commission in Nigeria is ...
Which of the following can contribute to political socialization? ...
Which of the following usually leads to the curtailment of the rights of citizens? ...