Franchise means the
...Franchise means the
ability to conduct elections
body of principles governing the conduct of an election
right to participate in an election
right granted to French citizens to vote
administrative procedure for free and fair elections
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Nigeria became a front line state in the South Africa liberation struggle because of her ...
The major objective of pressure group is to ...
A major objection to the Indirect Rule system was ...
Which of the following usually leads to the curtailment of the rights of citizens? ...
Which of the following statements is not correct about Nigeria's Foreign Policy during the civil...
The office of the Prime Minister in Nigeria was created in ...
One of the functions of a Party Whip in the Legislature is to ...
Which of the following was not established by the 1979 Nigerian constitution ? ...
A constitutional amendment that is cumbersome is usually described as ...