Which of the following is NOT a high-level programming la...
Which of the following is NOT a high-level programming language?
Assembly language
Correct answer is A
Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is specific to a particular computer architecture. It is more difficult to learn and use than high-level programming languages, but it offers more control over the hardware
Which of the following statements are true about computer? I.Constructed from electronic comp...
what is the first computing machine invented ? ...
Which of the following networks can be extended to cover continents? ...
Computer files can be characterised by all but, ...
The acronym HTTP stands for________ ...
If the output signal of any logic gate is fed into an inverter, the results is? ...
The part of the MS Word interface labelled II in Figure 10 is called ...
The part of the MS Access interface labelled X in Figure 9 is called ...