Computer files can be characterised by all but,
...Computer files can be characterised by all but,
A title
It's accessibility
The ability to be modified
Where it is stored
Correct answer is D
The storage position of a file isn't one of its numerous characters because, it can be stored either in a primary or secondary memory
When the computer reboots itself without triggering the hardware based reset, it is called ? ...
The speed of data transfer in the computer can be determined in terms of ?...
Which of the following statements is true for a circuit Switching communication system? ...
The process of testing the logic of algorithm to ensure they give correct result is known as ? ...
What displays the content of the active cell in excel? ...
What is the other word used to describe browsing? ...
what type of network is represented in the diagram above? ...
Which of the following factors limits access to computerized file system? it ...