According to the author, his countrymen should
...At this stage of civilisation, when many nations are brought into close and vital contact for good and evil, it is essential, as never before, that their gross ignorance of one another should be diminished, that they should begin to understand a little of one another's historical experience and resulting mentality. It is the fault of the English to expect the people of other countries to react as they do, to political and international situations. Our genuine goodwill and good intentions are often brought to nothing, because we expect other people to be like us. This would be corrected if we knew the history, not necessarily in detail but in broad outlines, of the social and political conditions which have given to each nation its present character.
According to the author, his countrymen should
read the story of other nations
have a better understanding of other nations
not react to other actions
have vital contacts with other nations
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
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