Collective responsibility implies that every member of ca...
Collective responsibility implies that every member of cabinet
is responsible to the Head of State
obeys the Prime Minister without questions
may support or oppose the decision made by the cabinet
take the credit or blame for the decisions made by the cabinet
must oppose the legislature at question times
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A country with homogeneous societies and a small population is suitable for the establishment? ...
Before 1945, the component units of Nigeria were ...
The first military Head of State in Nigeria was General ...
The following are merits of separation of powers except ...
In a democratic government, franchise is given to all_________ ...
The Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization (UNO) is appointed for a period of ...
In the Organizational structure of a mass political party, the policy making body is the ...
When a high court declares and action of the executive ultra-vires, it means that ...