Collective responsibility implies that every member of ca...
Collective responsibility implies that every member of cabinet
is responsible to the Head of State
obeys the Prime Minister without questions
may support or oppose the decision made by the cabinet
take the credit or blame for the decisions made by the cabinet
must oppose the legislature at question times
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
For an election to be fair and free Electoral Commission Must be ...
In which of the following systems of government is decentralization a common feature? ...
The African Union is unable to play its role on the global political scene very well due to the ...
The action plan by African countries under the New partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) ...
One of the importance of federalism is that ...
Which of the following options does not constitute the main objectives of the United Nations? ...
The provisional Ruling Council was the highest ruling body during the regime of ...