The passing of a vote-of-no-confidence is a method of rem...
The passing of a vote-of-no-confidence is a method of removing the Executive in a
parliamentary system of government
military system government
presidential system of government
confederal system of government
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A coup détat is regarded as ...
France introduced the policy of assimilation in her colonies primarily to ...
Representative government around the world pay attention to public opinion because of the follo...
The first restructure of the Nigerian Federation took place with the ...
The central government can reduce annual subventions to public corporations through ...
Which of the following is not an aim for the existence of a State? ...
Communism as propounded by Karl Max was later interpreted by ...
In the United States, what do they call by-election? ...
A major contentious issue confronting the Nigerian Federalism is ...