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Dr. Fajir was the minister of works and urban development...

Dr. Fajir was the minister of works and urban development in the Ganiba Republic. As such, he was entrusted with the public fund  so that his ministry could construct new roads and rehabilitate the existing ones. Unfortunately, mr Fajir embezzled the money entrusted in his care and siphoned some to his foreign accounts. This led to the deplorable condition of roads in the republic. The crime commission arrested and prosecuted him accordingly. Consequently, he was given  the opportunity to be defended by a lawyer of his choice in a court of law. However, he forfeited all his ill gotten wealths to the republic.


Dr. fajir can not exercise some basic rights because


He was a suspect in a criminal case


Was found guilty of a criminal offence


Failed to comply with court order


Embezzled public fund

Correct answer is B

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