Citizenship education influences an individual to be
...Citizenship education influences an individual to be
Correct answer is A
Patriotism is love of and loyalty to one's country.It also involves accepting the responsibilities of good citizenship. Every citizen must have: Love for the country. Faith in the country's future. The expected duties of a patriotic citizen are that they should: Abide by the constitution and obey all the laws. citizenship education helps us to be conversant with the affairs of our country and exibit patriotism where and when it is needed
One of the reasons leaders fail to protect the interest of their followers is? ...
In a democracy, official opposition is allowed to ...
Which of the following cannot motivate human trafficking? ...
Cult activities are usually characterized by ...
Based on the above diagram, the candidates would not have cheated if ...
Ada: Wanja where are you going to in this ungodly hour of the night. Wanja; I am h...
Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that all human beings ...