The map of Nigeria is an example of ?
...The map of Nigeria is an example of ?
audio data
biometric data
graphic data
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
The Slide Rule is accurate to ...
When signals X=0 and Y=1, signal Z is? ...
The last cycle of data processing where data and information are preserved for future is called ...
Binary coded decimals (BCD) numbers express each digit as a ___________ ...
Which of the following statements is true of free software? It ...
The type of transmission in the part labelled q in the diagram above is called ...
A common communication pathway shared by hard- ware components in the computer is called? ...
The pictorial representation of an object or application in the computer is called? ...
To determine if a computer has the ability to think, a test was conducted named as ...
In MS Excel, the cell that contains the pointer or cursor is called? ...