Arrange in hierarchical order by date the following inven...
Arrange in hierarchical order by date the following inventions:
I. - Census machine; Il. - Abacus; lll. - Slide rule; IV.- Difference engine.
I, lI, IlI and IV
I, IlI, II and IV
I, II, IV and llI
I, IV, IlI and l
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Express P(1 + R100)N as a BASIC programming notation....
Which is not a network for distribution of information? ...
The computer that features a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is known as ...... Computer? ...
The input device best used to capture finger print is? ...
One function of operating system is ? ...
Use the logic truth table in figure 3 to answer question X Y Z 0 0 1 ...