If a member of the legislature is appointed a minister, h...
If a member of the legislature is appointed a minister, he forfeits his seat in the legislature, This is a feature of the
presidential system of government
parliamentary system of government
communist system of government
feudal system of government
Correct answer is A
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
A major achievement of the OAU was the ...
In a confederation, more powers reside in the ...
Policy of assimilation was successfully operated by the French in ...
The chairman of the UN Conciliation Commission on the 1960 Congo crisis was ...
A major reason for enshrining fundamental human rights in the constitution is to ...
A major feature of the pre-colonial Igbo political system was that___________ ...
All the following are sources of constitution except ...
The number of the elected member of the 1988 constituent assembly was ...
Political opinion can be expressed through ...
One major achievement of the Richards Constitution of Nigeria was that it ...