Which of the following factors would influence a company&...
Which of the following factors would influence a company's decision to change its production process?
Demographic factor
Social factor
Political factor
Technological factor
Correct answer is D
Technogical factors include production techniques, information and communication resources etc. These affect how an organisation operates, sells its products, interacts with, and gathers intelligence on customers, suppliers and competitors.
A company's programme of "buy one product and get one Fee" is an example of_____ ...
Which of the following sales promotional tool is used to encourage wholesalers and retailers? ...
The element of marketing mix that involves creating awareness for goods is ...
Which of the following marketing facilitators provide financial services? ...
E-marketing is also called ________ ...
Which of the following is not a factor influencing the choice of distribution channel? ...
An offer of free sample of goods is a form of___________ ...
Which of these transportation modes is appropriate for transporting gas from Nigeria to Ghana? ...