The system of government in which authority is shared bet...
The system of government in which authority is shared between the center and the component units is called
unitary system of government
feudal system of government
federal system of government
monarchical system of government
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Official opposition is a feature of ...
During the cold war, Nigeria's foreign policy was characterized by ...
The functions of the state are achieved through ...
The review of Nigeria foreign policy under the Murtala-Obasanjo regime was done by ...
Which of the following is a duty of a good citizen? ...
Public corporations and parastatals are typically established by ...
Political participation in Nigeria is limited by all the following except ...
The Economic Community of West African States was established with the following aims except to ...
The AU's right to intervene in a member country in crisis portrays it as ...