Which channel of distribution would a producer of tomato ...
Which channel of distribution would a producer of tomato paste in kano use to reach a target market in Asaba?
producer + Agent Consumer
Producer Wholesaler + consumer
producer retailer + Consumer
producer + Wholesaler + Retailer + Consumer
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following is a function of warehouse? ...
A form of engaging in international marketing that involves the pooling of resources between l...
Which of the following advertising media is interactive? ...
A source of primary data for marketing research is ...
Which of these terms influences the buyer in a target market? ...
The factors that influence the performance of marketing activities of a firm is marketing ...
The reward for an entrepreneur is_____ ...
An organizational factor that influences a manager's decision to buy raw materials from a partic...
All activities involved in planning, designing and producing the container of a product is ...
Feedback obtained from marketing research on consumers' needs would be used to__________ ...