Which of the following factors is not considered while lo...
Which of the following factors is not considered while locating a market outlet?
Availability of facilities
Economic trends
Capital availability
Sources of supply
Correct answer is B
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following is not an element of the marketing mix? ...
BIK Ltd has developed a new health application for the public. Which of the following means would...
An importance of transportation to a marketer is that it____ ...
An arrangement whereby an organization charges a fee or royalty for the use of its technology i...
An association of traders of food items is an example of ...
Which of these factors is not a price determinant? ...
The pricing approach that is based on what rival companies are charging is_________ ...
One of the rules that guides international marketing is____ ...
Which of the following distribution channels is suitable for the sale of cosmetics? ...