Which of the following statements is not true about a com...
Which of the following statements is not true about a computer file?
It is very fast to access any record within a file
It is created electronically
Initial setup is inexpensive
File creation and access are less laborious
Correct answer is C
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
which of the following network cables offers highest data transmission? ...
A calculating machine that is made of hardwood with cursor of glass and metal is called? ...
The four standard ports include the following buses, except? ...
To make the entire slides in a presentation to have the same "look" in MS PowerPoint, a us...
Computers are used majorly at offices for ____________ ...
___________ is the combination of already processed _____________ ...
Which of the file organization methods can be accessed both randomly and sequentially? ...
Which of these packages is appropriate for preparing payroll of workers? ...
Which of the following isn't used to navigate in a computer? ...