Which of the following principles negates the concept of ...
Which of the following principles negates the concept of the Rule of Law?
Supremacy of the law
Prevention of arbltrariness in authority
Equality before the law
Exercise of absolute power by the President
Correct answer is D
No explanation has been provided for this answer.
Which of the following is not a means by which government maintains law and order? ...
Which of the following facilitates the working of a democratic government? ...
Sovereignty implies all the following except ...
Nigeria demonstrated her commitment to the policy of non-alignment during the regime of ...
Which of the following is a source of political power? ...
An advantage of delegated legislation is that ...
The desire for constitutional development in British West African Colonies was 'as a result of t...
The highest grade in the Civil Service is known as the ............ ...
One of the features of a sovereign state is that it ...
The Chicks Commission in Nigeria was up to look into the issue of ...