The Exclusive List in a federal system state includes
...The Exclusive List in a federal system state includes
Correct answer is C
As mentioned above, the Independence Constitution of 1960 gave the federal government exclusive legislative powers over forty-four items, including defence, external affairs, aviation, currency, Lagos affairs, customs, mines, external borrowing, and shipping.
Which of the following organs of the OAU approves the organization's annual budget? The ...
In a parliamentary system,the term shadow cabinet is often used to refer to ...
A multi-member constituency is one in which ...
The Judiciary organ of government is the body which ...
The one-time president of the United Nations General Assembly was ...
Which of the following countries is a founding member of the Commonwealth? ...
Which of the following is the lowest in the hierarchy of feudal system? ...
In a cabinet system of government, executive power is exercised by the ...
The 1960 Independence Constitution of Nigeria provided for the ...