The leader of the opposition in a parliament belongs to t...
The leader of the opposition in a parliament belongs to the
ruling party
majority party in parliament
minority party in parliament
Correct answer is C
The reason why it is called an opposition is because they have lesser seats in parliament. The opposition is usually the minority in parliament
The subordinate class of people in the social hierarchy of a feudal system is the ...
In 1993, Nigerian troops were on peace-keeping assignment to ...
The foreign policy of a country is influenced by all the following factors except the ...
The life of the legislature comes to an end during ...
Before the emergence of OAU as a regional body, Nigeria belonged to ...
A predominant feature of the Precolonial governance system was that_________ ...
Which of the following is not a problem of civil service? ...
Ending a session of parliament by royal proclamation means the ...
The unrestrained power of the state over its citizens is underlined by ...