A court can declare any action of a local government that...
A court can declare any action of a local government that is outside its area of jurisdiction as
ultra vires
bill of rights
habeas corpus
Correct answer is A
Ultra vires; acting or done beyond one's legal power or authority.
The ECOWAS Fund for Co-operation, Compensation and Development is located in ...
The organ of the UNO responsible for the affairs of the mandated territories was the ...
The totality of Nigeria's participation in the international system is known as ______? ...
The process through which people develop their political attitudes is called ...
A country in which all qualified citizens vote is said to operate ...
The privilege citizens enjoyed in a country irrespective of sex, tribe or creed is ...
The legal right to exercise power in a state is known as______ ...
In a constitutional monarchy, the king or queen is referred to as ...
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries came into existence at a conference held in ...