A citizen's freedom of movement may be restrained if ...
A citizen's freedom of movement may be restrained if he
has refused to salute the Head of State
has been convicted by the courts
refuses to vote at elections
criticizes the government
Correct answer is B
Limitations to Human Rights
Nigeria's relation with black political communities outside Africa is built on ...
By the 1979 constitution, the president has all the following powers except ...
Which of the following hinders the expression of public opinion? ...
Public opinion is commonly referred to as the composite reaction of the citizenry on ...
Which of the following world powers was the first to come to Nigeria’s aid during the civil wa...
The 'first-past-the-post system of voting is also called ...
A major weakness of a one - party system is that it ...
One of the obligations of a citizen is ...
Party manifesto is important in the following ways except to ...