Which of the following measures will ensure the independe...
Which of the following measures will ensure the independence of the judiciary? Judges
salaries must be handled by foreign banks
must be controlled by the president
salaries must be fixed and not subject to arbitrary review
must not be separated from the executive
Correct answer is C
The judiciary is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state. The following are various ways to ensure the independence of the judiciary
The country that championed decolonization in Africa was ...
The delineation of constituencies is a major duty of the __________ ...
Prior to 1991, veto power was exercised in the United Nations Security Council by ...
Which of the following states were created in 1996? ...
One of the obligations of a citizen is ...
Which of the following is a perverted form of democracy? ...
The French colonial policy aimed at changing Africans into French men was the policy of ...
Promotional pressure groups usually cater for the interest of ...