Taxation as a feature of Indirect Rule served as a
...Taxation as a feature of Indirect Rule served as a
source of revenue for colonial administration
system of modernizing chieftaincy
policy of making the local people poor
means to ridicule the chiefs
Correct answer is A
Indirect rule was a system of governance used by the British and French to control parts of their colonial empires. Their colonies were taxed as a source of revenue to run the administration
The late development of nationalism in French West Africa was due to ...
The form of government in which the powers of the hereditary ruler are limited is ...
Local government is relevant because it provides political ______ ...
A government which has the ability to compel its citizens to obedience is said to be exercising ...
Which of the following hinders the establishment of a representative government in a state? ...
A political manifesto is a document which outlines__________ ...
One-party system encourages and often ends up in ...
The Gulf War of 1990 is an indication that the U. N. O. is unable to _______ ...