Which of the following political concepts promotes sharin...
Which of the following political concepts promotes sharing and cooperation in a society?
Correct answer is C
Communalism usually refers to a system that integrates communal ownership and federations of highly localized independent communities.
Communalism is an organized government on the local level that is based on a common purpose and shared values, such as ethnic, cultural, and religious affiliation. It has to do with communal living, sharing and ownership of the means of livelihood
The first African Secretary-General of the United Nations is ...
Public opinion is important in that, it ________ ...
In the 4th republic, the political parties were______ ...
One of the following is a characteristic of a unitary system ...
Government as an institution of the state is defined as a body which ...
Laws enacted by the legislature are known as ___ ? ...
One of the advantages of delegated legislation is that it ...
A feature of a confederal state is that _______ ...
A major reason why the warrant chiefs were rejected in Eastern Nigeria was that ...