Which of the following political concepts promotes sharin...
Which of the following political concepts promotes sharing and cooperation in a society?
Correct answer is C
Communalism usually refers to a system that integrates communal ownership and federations of highly localized independent communities.
Communalism is an organized government on the local level that is based on a common purpose and shared values, such as ethnic, cultural, and religious affiliation. It has to do with communal living, sharing and ownership of the means of livelihood
The appointment, promotion and discipline of civil servants is the responsibility of the ...
Before the Second World War, the British Colonial Executive Council consisted of ...
In Nigeria, promotion of judges is the responsibility of the ...
A vote taken by the citizenry on an important political issue is a ...
A "Yes" or No" vote on a specific political issue in a country is called ________ ...
Which of the following is a concurrent power in the Nigerian federal system? ...