A form of tax that is mildly progressive and regressive i...
A form of tax that is mildly progressive and regressive is______
Proportional tax
Progressive tax
Regressive tax
Digressive tax
Correct answer is A
In a proportional tax system, all taxpayers are required to pay the same percentage of their income in taxes. This means that lower class, or middle class, or upper class people pay the same amount of tax. This is characterized by a Progressive and Regressive taxing system
A large standard deviation is an indication of ...
A major feature of an underdeveloped economy is ...
Which of the following are resources for holding money instead of investing it? I Transaction mot...
Which of the following is not true of small companies? They ...
A firm will experience diseconomies of scale when ...
If goods were free, a rational consumer would consume ...
Institutions serving as links between surplus and deficit units can be identified as ...
The major reason why countries strive to achieve optimum growth is to ...