Politics is practically demonstrated during
...Politics is practically demonstrated during
electioneering campaigns
parliamentary debates
formation of political parties
inter-party consultative meetings
Correct answer is A
Electioneering campaign; refers to the act of campaigning to influence the result of an election in favor of a particular candidate or party.
To which of the following did Nigeria belong before the formation of the OAU ...
One reason for the adoption of indirect rule in British West Africa was? ...
Which of the following types of citizenship cannot be withdrawn? ...
In the First Republic, the official opposition party was the .......... ...
A bill is a draft which is awaiting the consideration of the ...
The right of the citizens to vote and be voted for in an election is called ...
A form of government which has its slogan to be 'ruling of the best' is__________ ...
One of the arguments against delegated legislation is that it ...